Monday, December 15, 2008

On the spot

Now that I am in my third trimester, I have become the subject of public curiosity. Random people make comments about my new stature, mere acquaintances have opinions on how much is too much coffee for my unborn child to withstand, and sometimes, a particularly annoying person will say something at just the wrong time. This happened today, as I was waiting to use the bathroom at Starbucks (where I was consuming my 1 serving of doctor-approved caffeine for the day):

Random person with no social boundaries (referring to my mid-section): "Wow, looks like you've been busy!"
Me (pointing to my mid-section): "This? Oh, it took like ten minutes."

Inner monologue: "Sorry dude, this isn't an iVillage moment; it's finals week, I need coffee, and I have to pee."


Amanda Villagómez said...

You crack me up! Did you seriously say that to her or are you just being your humorous blogging self?

Suzy said...

Oh, I'm sooooooooooooo glad you have a blog!! Now I can peek into your life! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!

Crafty Mama said...

Good for you!!! And kudos for not punching her. I remember those moments from the third trimester well.